Friday, March 30, 2012

Patriots Pen Essay

Late this past fall, the seventh and eighth graders participated in a writing contest called The Patriot's Pen Essay. These prompt was "Why are you proud of your country?" and was supposed to demonstrate nationalism and pride for the USA. Over much of the year, these essays were drafted, edited and then submitted in early November. The panel of judges read all the essays and then voted on them. They picked three winners for each district and those winners' essays went on to the statewide and national competition. There were two regional winners from Friends Academy. They were:
1st Place: Sarah D.
3rd Place: Emerson L.

Upper Division Fun Night

Next Wednesday (April 4th) the Friends Academy P.A. will be hosting a Caribiner's fun night, and the fun night will begin at 5:30 At Caribiner's the upper division students will be able to climb rock walls that are inside. Caribiner's is located in New Bedford, MA right next to New Bedford High School.

Heres A Link To The Website:

Movie Night!

Tonight, starting at 7, there will be a movie night. The Student Council will show the movie, "She's The Man," starring Amanda Bynes. The movie night will end at 9:30 and as usual candy is $1 and Drinks are $2. Hopefully we will see you all there to enjoy the laughs!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Mathcounts update

On March 3rd, the Friends Academy Mathcounts Team went to the Mathcounts states in Boston. This year's competition took place at Wentworth Institute of Technology, who also gave scholarships to the top six scorers. The Team got 25th place out of 40 in one of the most competitive states for this competition. 

Advocacy Update

The Advocacy group has just finished their petition signing, and is ready to send it off. This petition is being sent to the Mexican Attorney General for justice to the women in Atenco, Mexico. These women were arrested for no reason, and sexually abused by the members of the police on their way to the prison. The Advocacy Group's next project is working to prevent and cease child labor in foreign countries, where it is used for manufacturing. Please check back soon for more updates on what the Advocacy Group is accomplishing. 

Parents vs. Students Game Verdict

Yesterday all the basketball teams were given 20 minutes to face their parents and teachers. The first three teams all won their games, including boys and girls JV and girls Varsity, but the boys Varsity struggled to pull away with a win, the final score of this game was 25-26. Mr. Beyer said of the game,"It was fun having all the people out there regardless of their skill levels, and it was also fun because the Varsity teams were very good this year." When he was told about the upcoming game where the Boys and Girls Varsity teams will play together versus the parents, he replied," That sounds fun! That is an excellent idea and I look forward to that game too!." When prompted about his dunk against the Boys JV, he told the interviewer," That wasn't really a dunk..." leading us to believe he may actually dunk again in the Boys and Girls Varsity game.

Friday, March 2, 2012


Movie night is coming up!

What: She's the Man
When: March 30, 7:00-9:30
Where: F.A. commons