Writing Page

Arts and Poetry Night was awesome! We had tons of amazing poems! To view some of the poems that students read click on the link below.

 Arts and Poetry Night Poems

Writing Entry Page
Here you can view writing pieces that students have recently wrote. If you would like to post enter a poem, story or any other form of writing, please send it to shanedesousa@friendsacademy1810.org. We will then put it up on this page.

The Button Park Zoo Poem Contest
In early november, the sixth grade started the poetry unit. After a brief introduction and some practice, a contest was announced. This was the Buttonwood Park Zoo Poetry Contest. We each wrote a poem and sent it to the review board at the zoo. Recently they read out poems and voted on the best for each age group. On February 2nd they mailed out the results. Lydia M. won first place and Isaac B. won third place. We do not currently know who won second.
Here are the poems of the winners:


Here are some other pieces of writing: