The Friends Academy Glee Club will be performing tonight at the Providence Bruins hockey game. They will be singing "Sweet Caroline" during the 2nd intermission and they would really like your support! I interviewed Mae H, Claire S, & Ms. M to ask how they were feeling about the performance tonight.
Q. How do you feel about performing in front of thousands of fans?
A. I feel good to perform. I am not nervous because they are just people and I look forward to the opportunity. I am very excited to perform during the 2nd intermission.
Q. Are you excited to watch the game?
A. Yes, I am looking forward to the game, but I am mostly looking forward to singing.
Q. How do you think the glee club will perform tonight?
A. I think that the glee club will perform really well and I think we are very excited, especially me. We have practiced a lot and I think we will perform exceptionally well today.
Q. Are you excited to sing "Sweet Caroline"?
A. Yes, I am definitely excited to sing this, because it is a fun song and I have always loved it. I think it’s a real honor to perform during the hockey game in front of thousands of fans.
Q. How did you get the opportunity to perform at the Providence Bruins?
A. A director from the Providence Bruins contacted Mr. Bean via email to ask if the Glee Club would like to either perform the National Anthem or "Sweet Caroline." We are singing "Sweet Caroline" because another group chose to do the National Anthem before we did. This email is sent out to all schools across New England.
Q. How do you think this performance will help the glee club?
A. I think it will help the glee club because it will give them a performance opportunity. This performance shows that the Glee Club is an active part of Friends Academy. I am also excited because everyone is performing and no one is left out, so it will give each singer more experience.
Q. Are you looking to perform at any other major events in the future?
A. The glee club went to St. Anthony’s church and performed with the members of the glee club and other Friends Academy students. I am trying to get the glee club to perform for the city of New Bedford. We are also looking to perform at Our Sisters School in New Bedford.